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什么是 Redux Middleware

Redux Middleware 是一种可插拔的机制,用于在 Reduxdispatch 函数被调用后 reducer 处理 action 之前 对 action 进行拦截、 变化、增强等操作 Redux middleware可以用于很多场景,例如:

  • 异步操作:Redux 本身是同步的,但是我们可以使用 middleware 来处理异步操作,例如发起网络请求,等待数据返回后再更新 store;
  • 日志:用于记录每个 action 的执行过程,以便于调试和分析;
  • 认证和授权:可以拦截所有 action,然后进行认证和授权,以确保只有授权用户可以执行某些操作。

middleware 简化后的核心逻辑如下

const middleware = (store) => {
return (next) => {
return (action) => {
* 在action被dispth之前做一些事情
const result = next(action);

* 在action被dispth之后做一些事情
return result;

通过以上代码不难看出 middleware 本质上是就是一个接受 storenextaction 三个参数的函数 其中, storeReduxstore 对象,nextdispatch 函数,action 是当前的 action 对象。


使用 applyMiddleware

Redux 中使用 middleware 非常简单,只需要在创建 store 的时候使用 applyMiddleware 函数将 middleware 应用到 store 上即可

export const middleware1 = (store) => {
return (next) => {
return (action) => {
console.log("will dispatch--1--next, action:", next, action);

// Call the next dispatch method in the middleware chain.
const returnValue = next(action);

console.log("state after dispatch--1", store.getState());

// This will likely be the action itself, unless
// a middleware further in chain changed it.
return returnValue;

export const middleware2 = (store) => {
return (next) => {
return (action) => {
console.log("will dispatch--2--next, action:", next, action);

// Call the next dispatch method in the middleware chain.
const returnValue = next(action);

console.log("state after dispatch--2", store.getState());

// This will likely be the action itself, unless
// a middleware further in chain changed it.
return returnValue;

export const middleware3 = (store) => {
return (next) => {
return (action) => {
console.log("will dispatch--3--next, action:", next, action);

// Call the next dispatch method in the middleware chain.
const returnValue = next(action);

console.log("state after dispatch--3", store.getState());

// This will likely be the action itself, unless
// a middleware further in chain changed it.
return returnValue;
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import rootReducer from "./reducers";
import { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } from "./middleware";
const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(middleware1, middleware2, middleware3)
export default store;

在上面的代码中 我们使用了 applyMiddleware 函数将 middleware1middleware2middleware3应用到了 store 中 这样我们调用 store.dispatch 的时候 middleware 就会被依次执行,直到 reducer 处理 action.

applyMiddleware 源码分析

applyMiddleware 源码如下

export default function applyMiddleware(...middlewares) {
return (createStore) => {
return (...args) => {
const store = createStore(...args);
let dispatch = () => {
throw new Error(
"Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed. " +
"Other middleware would not be applied to this dispatch."

const middlewareAPI = {
getState: store.getState,
dispatch: (...args) => dispatch(...args),
const chain = => middleware(middlewareAPI));
dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch);

return {,


  • 先使用 createStore 创建 store
  • 再执行 为 每个中间件最外层函数提供 getStatedispatch 方法,
  • 此时 执行完过后 传入的中间件函数就变成了两层;

使用 compose 函数整理之后得到:

  • 所以经过 compose 函数处理之后 中间件函数在 redux 内部执行顺序和 最开始的传入顺序反过来了
const composeFunction = compose(middleware1, middleware2, middleware3);
// 会生成如下代码
composeFunction = (...args) => {
return middleware1(middleware2(middleware3(...args)));

接下来传入初始的store.dispatch 整理之后得到:

  • 所以 dipatch 的执行顺序是和 最开始的传入顺序一致的
dispatch = composeFunction(store.dispatch);

// 会生成如下代码
dispatch = handleAction (action)=>{
return handleAction2 (action)=>{
return handleAction3 (action)=>{



function mid1({ dispatch, getState }) {
//1.使用 dispatch() 会触发错误
return function fn1(next) {
//2. 使用 dispatch() 会触发错误
return function fn1Rf(action) {
//3. 使用 dispatch() 会导致死循环


applyMiddlewaremiddlewareAPI 中的 dispatch 指向的是 带有 throw new Error()的这个 dispatch 函数, 所以在组合中间件时使用 dispatch 就会抛出异常

 export default function applyMiddleware(...middlewares){
return (createStore) => (reducer, preloadedState) => {
let dispatch = () => {
throw new Error(
'Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed. ' +
'Other middleware would not be applied to this dispatch.'
const middlewareAPI = {
getState: store.getState,
dispatch: (action, ...args) => dispatch(action, ...args)

const chain = => middleware(middlewareAPI))
dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch)


dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch);
// 暂时命名为 mark
dispatch = function fn1Rf(action) {
// 此时按照第三个错误原因在这执行 dispatch(), 这个dispatch指向的是mark, 所以会导致,无限重新执行fn1Rf
// dispatch() , 死循环
return function fn2Rf(action) {
return function fn3Rf(action) {
// 这个 storeDispatch 是 compose(...chain)(store.dispatch) 是传入的 store.dispatch
// 避免混淆,使用 storeDispatch 命名, 源码中就是到 dispatch(action)
return storeDispatch(action);